Starting 2024 with a Bang πŸŽ†

Hello Belogersss,

Happy 1st Sunday of 2024! Wishing that you have been crushing 2024 thus far! We're excited to unveil two new features that are guaranteed to start your year with a bang!

β˜• What's Brewing at Beloga?

πŸ” Introducing: Enhanced Search History

Ever find yourself trying to recall that one search result that caught your eye a few days ago? Worry no more! Beloga's Launched Search History feature is here to save the day. With this new capability, you can now:

  • Track your search journey with ease, revisiting your steps to find that critical piece of information.

  • View your search patterns and gain insights into your research behavior, helping you refine your process.

  • Access your past searches in a hyper-personalized manner, ensuring that every bit of information is at your fingertips when you need it.

In today's fast-paced world, efficiency is key. That's why we're thrilled to introduce a feature that's a game-changer for research and reading online content. Beloga's new Ability to Summarize Web Links means you can now:

  • Get concise summaries of web articles with a single click, saving you from the hassle of sifting through pages of text.

  • Digest key points quickly, allowing you to determine the relevance of content without the need for extensive reading.

  • Stay ahead of the curve by comparing summaries from various sources, ensuring you're getting a well-rounded view of your topics of interest.

We have a fair bit of new ideas and would like your inputs on what we should be focusing next! Therefore, we would really appreciate if you could upvote on the ideas suggested or submit any ideas you would like to see being build on Beloga!

We're committed to evolving Beloga to meet your needs and exceed your expectations. Please explore these updates and let us know your thoughts. Your feedback is invaluable as we continue to improve and grow together. Feel free to email us your feedback at [email protected] or reply to the suggestion channel in our discord

🧠Join the Beloga Community

We've also launched an exclusive Discord community for knowledge seekers like you! It's a space to connect, learn, and grow together with like-minded individuals.

πŸ—£ Spread the Word

If Beloga has made a difference in your knowledge-seeking journey, we encourage you to share the love! Tell your friends about us and help keep Beloga's mission alive: building the best hyper-personalised knowledge management platform you ever need.

Think, Ink & Empower!

Beloga Bites πŸͺ

❓Question of the Week:


In what ways can we break down our larger goals into manageable and motivating milestones?

Identify key milestones that represent significant progress towards the goal and create sub-goals for each milestone, which are smaller tasks that can be achieved in the short term. List the specific daily or weekly tasks needed to reach each sub-goal, prioritize them, and track your progress to maintain motivation and a clear roadmap to success.

🌟 Quote of the Week:

"Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen."

Michael Jordan

It encapsulates the essence of proactive achievement versus passive desire. It distinguishes between those who merely dream of success and those who actively work towards making their dreams a reality

πŸ›‹ Recommendation Reads (Our Favourite Books, Articles - All things to make you more productive):